Home Guarantees Construction Guarantees


Lombard Construction Guarantee provides the construction industry with a comprehensive range of guarantee products, including:

  • Performance Guarantees
  • Bid Bonds/Tender Bonds
  • Advance Payment Guarantees
  • Retention Guarantees
  • Materials On-/Off Site Guarantees

Safeguarding Project Success

A Lombard guarantee is a professional, third-party opinion of the contractor’s ability to perform and successfully deliver on a specific contract. Legally speaking, as the provider of the guarantee, we become the contractor’s co-principal debtor, backing the contractor and giving the beneficiary peace of mind.

In-Depth Risk Assessment Creates Ideal Risk Protection

Our legal, technical and financial expertise allows us to thoroughly assess and price the risks associated with guarantee liabilities. We follow a rigorous, step-based approach that explores every aspect of a contractor’s ability to perform against a contract.

We cater for standardised and employer-specific, bespoke guarantee wordings. All wordings issued provide the best protection to all parties involved.

Service Beyond Just Guarantees

Lombard Construction Guarantee’s affordable solutions and the flexibility of our product equip us to serve every segment of the construction market – from large established contractors to smaller contractors who might become tomorrow’s giants. Burdensome collateral requirements (if any) are kept to a minimum, and our products are underwritten by a team of experts who understand the dynamics of the construction industry.


We have formal and informal reinsurance agreements in place across the African continent.
  • Angola
  • Botswana
  • Cape Verde
  • Cameroon
  • Ghana
  • Kenya
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Malawi
  • Mauritius
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Nigeria
  • Rwanda
  • Sierra Leone
  • Swaziland
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Our Specialists

Oren Zukerman
Head of Division: Construction
Lethabo Molomo
Underwriter – Construction Facilities greater than R20m
Terence Strydom
Underwriting Manager - Construction Facilities below R20m
Johnny Strydom
Underwriter – Construction Facilities greater than R20m
Contact us

Talk to us

Please fill out the form below to provide us with some brief details about your requirements, and one of our specialists will reach out to you shortly.